Wounds Into Wisdom
Healing Intergenerational Jewish Trauma
What to Expect
Making Safer Spaces
Demographic Survey
Practice Partner Sign-Up
Access Live Sessions
Breakout Group Guidelines
Rabbi Firestone's Book: Wounds Into Wisdom
How to Use the IJS Course Dashboard
Module I: Trauma Science & Ancient Jewish Wisdom — Live Session Monday, Nov 18
Module I: Presentation Slides
Module II: Mapping Our Ancestors' Lives and Legacies
Module II: Presentation Slides
Module II: Deepening Practices
Module II: Genogram Template
Module III: Understanding the Five Premises of Jewish Ancestral Healing
Module III: Presentation Slides
Module III: Deepening Practices
Module IV: Ritual Journey: Receiving Guidance for this Historical Moment
Module IV: Presentation Slides
Module IV: Deepening Practices
Module IV: Jewish Ancestral Healing Primer
Live Session Recording Archive
November 18th: Module I
November 25th: Module II
December 2nd: Module III
December 9th: Module IV