Course curriculum

    1. What to Expect

    2. Making Safer Spaces

    3. Demographic Survey

    4. Practice Partner Sign-Up

    5. Access Live Sessions

    1. Introduction: Relational Mindfulness and Sacred Listening

    2. 3 Point Practice: Shemi’ah, Shmirah, and Asiyah

    3. Shema Listening Practice

    4. Listening Through the Four Dimensions of Experience

    5. Shemiat HaLev: A Listening Heart Guided Meditation

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. Week 1 Handout

    1. Sacred Listening: Paying Attention

    2. Coming to Our Senses: Listening in This Moment

    3. Sacred Listening Practice in Hevruta Listening Pairs

    4. Listening Through the Four Dimensions of Experience

    5. Guided Meditation: Cultivating Embodied Presence

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. Week 2 Handout

    1. Shemirah: Guarding the Inner Life

    2. The Mindful Pause

    3. The Courage to Teach

    4. Guided Meditation: Shemirah and Pausing

    5. Optional Hevruta Practice

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. Week 3 Handout

    1. Asiyah: Listening and Responding

    2. Truth and Method

    3. Praying

    4. Guided Meditation and Soulful Jewish Living

    5. Hevruta Practice

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. Week 4 Handout

    1. Listening for the Divine Within

    2. Listening for the Divine in Another

    3. Listening for the Divine in all of Creation

    4. Whole-hearted Listening: To Self, Others, and the Divine Presence

    5. Tools for Whole-Hearted Listening

    6. Guided Meditation: Attuning to the Song of Creation

    7. Optional Hevruta Listening Practice:

    8. Reflection Questions

    9. Week 5 Handout

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

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